ADVANCEFUEL holds its mid-term General Assembly in Amsterdam

The ADVANCEFUEL consortium has met at the offices of ECN/TNO in Amsterdam to discuss and plan out activities for the coming months. The meeting also involved a review meeting with the European Commission to evaluate the project’s mid-term performance.




In the last six months of the project, ADVANCEFUEL has finalised a handful of deliverables, including:



These deliverables are available now in the publications section, alongside all of the other deliverables completed in the first half of the project.


Stakeholder Workshop


Part of the meeting’s discussions involved the upcoming stakeholder workshop, to be held on 27 May in Lisbon, as part of the 27th edition of the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE 2019). The workshop, ‘Optimising value chains and ensuring the sustainability of advanced lignocellulosic biofuels with effective sustainability criteria and verification’, is open to all EUBCE participants.


You can find out more here.


Stay up to date!


A lot of outputs are expected from the project in the next few months. If you want to stay up to date with our activities, then remember to sign up to the stakeholder platform and follow us on Twitter!