INEA holds third workshop on Bioenergy Market Uptake Projects

The ADVANCEFUEL project took part in the Third Horizon 2020 Contractors' Workshop for Bioenergy Market Uptake Projects, held by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency in Brussels on 24 January.


The workshop brought together seven Horizon 2020 projects working on market uptake related issues. ADVANCEFUEL was represented by Kristin Sternberg, project co-ordinator (FNR), as well as Simon Hunkin (G!E) and Vanessa Wabitsch (G!E third party, REVOLVE MEDIA).


As well as project presentations, introductory presentations were given by the European Commission on the RED II directive and how it will impact the EU’s bioenergy market, as well as the support that the EC can offer for communication and dissemination.


The workshop raised a lot of interesting co-operation possibilities between the projects, who will support each other in promotion, event co-ordination and data sharing in future.